Frank C Butler Jr. 8/17/72 Tazlina Glacier Hunter Fall

Recover Body of F.C. Butler Jr. Near Glacier
Times 8/17/72

The body of  Frank C Butler Jr., 19, son of Lt. Col. Frank Butler, deputy commander of Ft. Greely, was found near Tazlina Glacier last night.  He apparently died in a tall.

Butler was flown into the area, about 30 miles southwest of Glennallen, last Wednesday by guide Al Lee of Glennallen.  He was scheduled to embark on a solo sheep hunt and Lee was supposed to pick him up Sunday.

The boy was not at the camp site Sunday when Lee arrived, nor had he arrived by Tuesday when Lee returned.

Search by Alaska Slate Troopers and U.S. Army personnel began Wednesday.  The young man's body was found around 8 p.m. at the 5,200 foot level of the mountain.  Troopers said it appeared he had fallen.